- In Raster chart Entire chart is saved in one layer whereas in vector chart, information is saved in many layers.
- In Raster chart customisation is not possible. Whereas in vector chart can be designed as per the requirement of the user.
- Raster chart is Direct copy of paper chart whereas Vector chart is a computer generated charts.
- Raster Chart appears cluttered, Whereas In vector chart cluttering can be avoided.
- In Raster chart information can be only added only, Whereas in vector chart information can be added as well as subtracted.
- In Raster chart Interrogation for information is not possible. In vector chart
Interrogation for information is possible. - In Raster chart Display Regeneration takes time, In case of vector chart Display regeneration is faster.
- In Raster chart safety depth, Entering TSS, etc alarm is not possible Whereas in Vector chart Alarm is possible.
- In Raster chart same colour and symbol as per paper chart. Whereas in Vector chart symbols and colours as per IMO publication.
- In Raster chart Scale of chart cannot be changed, Whereas in Vector chart we can change scale.
- Raster chart’s are simple and cheaper to produce and easily available whereas Vector charts are costly and time consuming to produce.
- Worldwide coverage is possible in Raster chart, Worldwide coverage will take time.
- Memory requirement is higher in case of Raster chart.
- In Raster chart during look ahead /review other charts will be on different scale. Whereas in Vector chart during ahead /review all charts will be on same scale.
- Raster chart is a single layer, No info can be lost or ignored, Whereas in Vector chart Loss of info or ignorance of a layer is possible.
- Raster chart – seamless chart is not possible, Vector chart seamless chart is feature.
- For permanent correction in Raster chart the chart has to be replaced. In case of vector chart only ENC Database is corrected