Fixed Pitch Propeller VS Controllable Pitch Propeller

What are the differences between Fixed Pitch Propeller and Controllable Pitch Propeller?

Following are the key differences between Fixed Pitch Propeller and Controllable Pitch Propeller

Sl. NoSolid / Fixed Pitch PropellerControllable Pitch Propeller
1Speed of Ship is controlled by varying the speed of EngineSpeed of the ship is controlled by varying the pitch of the propeller
2Engine with varying speed is requiredEngine with constant speed is enough
3Hence Shaft driven auxiliary cannot be fittedHence Shaft driven auxiliary can be fitted
4Astern movement of the ship is by reversing the engine {engine should be of reversing type}Astern movement of the ship is by varying  the pitch of the propeller {unidirectional engine is enough]
5Full power of the engine is not available during astern runningFull power of the engine will be available during astern running also
6Hence Stopping time and distance is moreHence Stopping time and distance is less
7Manoeuvring in confined water is difficultManeuvering in confined water is difficult
8Propeller efficiency is morePropeller efficiency is less since large diameter boss/hub is required
9Cost is low Cost is high
10Maneuvering in confined water is easyThe cost of repair and maintenance is less

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