Ensuring safety in tanker and terminal operations is of utmost importance due to the hazardous nature of bulk liquid cargoes. Personnel involved in these operations must be familiar with the flammable properties, density, and toxicity of the products they handle. Specific attention is given to high vapor pressure cargoes and residual fuel oils, which pose particular hazards during handling, storage, and carriage.
- Flammability:
Flammability is a significant risk associated with petroleum-based cargoes. Volatility, characterized by the vapor pressure of a product, determines its tendency to produce gas. When transferring a product to a gas-free tank or container, it starts to vaporize, creating a constant flammable hazard. - Density:
Bulk liquid gases can be heavier than air, presenting a hazard during cargo handling. Personnel should be cautious of this property while dealing with cargoes. - Toxicity:
Toxicity refers to a substance’s ability to harm humans through ingestion, skin contact, or inhalation. Toxic substances can cause various adverse effects, such as skin or eye irritation, organ damage, cancer, and respiratory issues. Understanding the risks associated with toxic substances is crucial for personnel engaged in tanker operations. - Carcinogenic and Reprotoxic Effects:
Bulk liquid products and their vapors can have carcinogenic effects, potentially causing cancer, and reprotoxic effects, which can impact reproduction. These effects are described in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each product, providing necessary information for proper handling and protection. - Ingestion:
Oral toxicity varies widely among chemical products. The MSDS provides specific information on the product’s effects if swallowed and the required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for handling such incidents. - Absorption:
The effects of skin contact with chemical products can vary considerably, ranging from acute (unconsciousness, chemical burns) to chronic (organ damage, cancer) effects. The MSDS outlines measures to be taken in case of skin contact and the appropriate PPE to wear. - Irritation and Dermatitis:
Petroleum-based products, especially volatile ones, can cause skin irritation and remove essential oils, potentially leading to dermatitis. Adequate protective equipment, such as impermeable gloves and goggles, should always be worn to prevent direct contact. - Inhalation:
Inhaling product gases can have acute (unconsciousness, chemical burns) or chronic (organ damage, cancer) effects, with a particular risk of pulmonary edema. Proper measures and PPE should be adopted to avoid inhalation risks.
The handling of bulk liquid cargoes in tanker and terminal operations involves various hazards, including flammability, density-related issues, and toxic properties. Understanding the specific risks associated with each product is essential for implementing safety measures and protecting personnel’s health during these operations. Consultation of Material Safety Data Sheets and adherence to proper handling procedures and PPE guidelines are crucial steps in ensuring safe operations in the transportation and storage of bulk liquids.