Cargo Securing Manual (CSM) and its content
Cargo Securing Manual (CSM) is a manual that provides guidance about the Stowage and securing of the cargo on board. This manual can be Found mostly in the ship’s office as Chief Officer commonly refers to CSM.
- In accordance with the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (Solas) chapters VI, VIl and the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing (CSS Code), cargo units, including containers shall be stowed and secured throughout the voyage in accordance with a Cargo Securing Manual, approved by the Administration.
- The Cargo Securing Manual is required on all types of ships engaged in the carriage of all cargoes other than solid and liquid bulk cargoes.
Following are the contents of (Cargo Securing Manual) CSM –
1. General.
- Ships Data
- Definitions
- General information
- Principal sources of danger
2. Securing Devices and Arrangements.
- Specification of Fixed Cargo Securing device.
- Specification of Portable cargo securing Devices.
- Inspection and Maintenance Schemes.
3. Stowage and Securing of cargo.
- Handling and Safety instruction.
- General principles of cargo securing.
- Safe handling of cargo securing devices.
- Evaluation of forces acting on cargo units.
- Forces acting on typical cargo units.
- Calculation of forces in semi and non-standardized lashing arrangement.
- MSLs for different securing devices
- Safety factor
- Simplified method-Rule of thumb.
- Ship Specific Example based on Alternative Method -using IMO LASCHONTM16.
- Ship Specific Accelerations from IMO LASCHONTM 19
- Application of portable securing devices.
4.Supplementary Requirements for general cargo/Container vessel.
- Bulk carriers.
- Extracts from various Timber deck codes.
- Container carriers.
- Handling and safety instructions.
- Stowage and securing instructions.
- Stowage and securing plan.
- Log of maintenance of cargo securing equipment.
- Manual Procedure for calculation of lashing.
- Applicable ANNEXES from the CSS code
- LASHCONTM IMO user guide.
- Certification of fixed cargo securing devices.
- Certification of portable securing devices.