In general, the fleet asks significantly less number of questions and decides whom to offer placement. The interview in general lasts for about 10-15 min only.
Here are some of the question sets asked to candidates.
Candidate 1
- Introduce yourself
- CBD signal
- Geographical range, Nominal Range, Luminous Range
- Crossing Situation
- Marpol Annex (iv)
Candidate 2
- Why should I hire you?
- 3 Sensors of ECDIS
- Explain ECDIS
- Sextant Alt and True Alt?
- Gyro Compass?
- Zenith Distance?
- What is Altitude?
Candidate 3
- Neutral Equilibrium condition?
- Tander vessel.
- Rule 19 (word by word).
- Fathers Occupation?
- Gross tonnage and Net Tonnage.
- Stowage Factor.
words from admin, Before any interview, rule 3,5,6,13,15,19 word by word and if you have sufficient time don’t take any risk learn all 2-19 word by word.
Candidate 4
- Tell me about ECDIS.
- Tell me about ARPA.
- Passage plan.
- Tell us about your Home town.
- Introduction.
Candidate 5
- Tell us about yourself
- Lifeboat/Raft launching.
- Pyro Technique.
- Devit life raft
- Scholarship (why not after)
- How many life rafts are onboard?
Candidate 6
- Tell me about yourself
- What is an Epirb?
- What is a Sart?
- Why did you join the merchant navy?
- You are rich you will leave this field soon?
Candidate 7
- Tell me about Epirb
- How will you start a Sart?
- Entry in Enclosed space
- What is the use of load line?
Candidate 8
- ROR Condition
- Types of Fire fighting system and was asked to explain about Fixed CO2 System.
- Head-on situation?
- Favorite sports?
- Achievement?
- Use of Load line mark?
- What is time zone?
- What is IDL?
- India’s time zone ?
- what is IALA?
- Head on and Crossing Situation.
Candidate 9
- What is FWA?
- How do Deviation and Variation change?
- What is GP?
- Explain GP
- What is flotation?
- Recent News about cricket
- Cardinal Points
- Air Pollution and Regulation
- Types of cargo carried by ships?
- Number of lifeboats carried?
- What is Radar?
- Use of Loadline mark(This question was also asked the next year in 2018 and Nobody gave a satisfactory answer.)
- Where is loadline located?
- Equipments on the Bridge?